It gives a challenge to every Advocate to perform the “art of Advocacy”. The goals set in every litigant’s mind is to succeed through the vehicle of law. This could be well achieved through strategically and intellectually approaching each and every case with the tool of law and precedence.

The experience like in every field carves a Lawyer to make one tall to fight for the right of their client. It is only through persistence hard work sincerity and dedication an advocate becomes a preferred council to carry their issues on advocates broad shoulders to get the best possible results of success.

Litigation often is to fight against the respondent/ Defendant before any court of law across the nation. In criminal cases the other side would always be State (or) Central government  the result if it is not fought with courage on the light of various nuances of law the taste of victory may be challenging.

The issue which could not be sorted out at a pre-litigation stage should only be fought before the courts by the civil, criminal, matrimonial, corporates, banking, labour, arbitration, etc sometimes when the litigant is respondent the litigation could not be avoided whether willing or unwilling. Sometimes only by filing cases great remedies could be harvested from the court of law.

Therefore, litigants willing or unwilling could not be avoided at situations

  • Corporate
    • Banking and Finance
    • Mergers and Acquisition
    • Joint Ventures
    • Shares and Debentures
    • Arbitration and Conciliation
  • Crime
    • White Collar Crime - Corruption, Money Laundering, Financial Frauds
    • Property Crime - Criminal Misappropriation, Criminal Breach of Trust, Criminal Mischief
    • Organised Crime - Racketeering, Syndicated Crime, Gang Criminality
    • Consensual Crime - Drug related crime, Gambling
    • Hate Crime - Crimes related Women and Children, Crimes against Vulnerable Social Groups
  • Trust
    • Public Trust
    • Private Trust
  • Entities
    • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
    • General Partnership
    • Sole Proprietorship
    • Hindu Undivided family
  • Tax
    • Income Tax - Tribunals
    • Goods and Service Tax
    • Wealth Tax
    • Customs
    • Excise
    • Sales Tax
    • Professional Tax
  • Education
    • University Level - UGC
    • Medical Education - NMC, DCI
    • Technical Education - AICTE
    • Legal Education - BCI
    • State University - Public and Private Universities
    • Secondary Education - CBSE & HSE
  • Media
    • Print Media
    • Visual Media - Broadcast & Television
    • Social Media - Disputes & Compliances
    • Defamation - Free speech Disputes
  • Labour
    • Industrial Disputes - Termination, Retrenchment, Strike, Layoff
    • Employee Compensation
    • Payment of wages
    • Payment of bonus
    • Payment Of Gratuity
    • Contract Labour Disputes
    • Occupational Safety
  • Intellectual Property Rights
    • Patents
    • Trademark
    • Copyright
    • Designs
    • Geographical Indication
    • Semi-Conductor integrated circuits layouts and Designs
    • Protection of Plant Varieties
  • Civil
    • Writs - Habeaus Corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari, Certiorarified, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo Warranto
    • Public Interest Litigation
    • Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Board
    • Civil Servants
    • Civil Suit - Plaint, Written Statement
    • Money Suit - Claim and Counter Claim with interest
    • Appointment of receiver
    • Property Disputes - Partition, Coparcenary
    • Rent Control
    • Motor Accident Claims - Tribunal, Appellate Forum
    • Consumer Disputes - Commission and Appellate Forum
    • Executing Petition
    • Interim Applications
    • Breach Of Contract - Specific Performance
  • Writs
    • Habeaus Corpus
    • Mandamus
    • Certiorari
    • Certiorarified Mandamus
    • Prohibition
    • Quo Warranto
    • Public Interest Litigation
    • Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Board
    • Civil Servants - Services
  • Insolvency & Banckruptcy
    • Corporate Insolvency Resolution
    • Operational Creditor - Insolvency Resolution
    • Financial Creditor - Insolvency Resolution
  • Family
    • Alimony and Maintenance
    • Judicial Separation and Divorce
    • Child Custody
    • Restitution of conjugal rights
    • Mahr, Dower
    • Domestic Violence