Normally it is a preliminary stage prior to the proposed litigation. In certain cases, the actual litigation also could be avoided and could be sorted out or dealt with negotiations and mediation.

In a few cases, if a client is very particular on initiating litigation as a mandatory requirement, Pre-Litigation process has to be complied with depending on the nature of the issue, the pendulam of pre litigation can be fitted to the betterment of the client.

In few situations, Pre-Litigation notices like lawyers notice, it may warn the proposed respondent to be aware of a possible case or a suit or a complaint, thereby the Respondent is forwarned to avoid unnecessary litigation. Normally the expenses for pre litigation are very limited and on the other hand the solutions could also large and negative the choice always remains with the client.

It is largely possible to extend such support to the needy through the expertise and experience over a period of more than 2 decades by performing the role of advisory to large corporates.

The process of pre litigation at times may save litigants valuable time. Before being fought, the fight will end in peace. It may turn out to be very sufficient and effective if wavelengths of both parties are the same at one stage. It does play a crucial role of continuing the same relationships with the parties. It also helps to maintain secrecy and confidentiality and many at times keep the reputation of either parties undisturbed.

  • Issuance of Legal Notice
  • Defending of Legal Notice
  • Pre Mediation
  • Settlement
  • Negotiation
  • Conference (In Person & Online)