
“QUARANTINE” The word in this era, widely popular across the globe. This period of corona and lockdown had taught very many lessons to every human being in their own way. An invisible virus called corona is able to stop the unstoppable like Temples, Churches, Mosques, Colleges, planes, tours, trains, cinema halls, malls, business etc.

It gives a lesson that visibility is not the test for strength. Invisibility too can be a bench mark of strength, like the virus spread and pandemic which created pandemonium.

Plans of millions of people vanished, crores and crores of rupees lost and fell prey to the deadly virus. Very few business seem to be Shadily flourishing in the dark.

Human brains are still unable to control the Virus completely, even after six months of its spread. Despite of the best medical and research minds around the world,the dreaded enemy couldn’t be controlled. The super power stands as the first victim. we are debating it as an act of God or human.

Governments are taking turns to prove themselves mightier in service. Announcing lockdowns,identifying and counting on the sick. Best Rank reports are generated on the count of out going patients and number of fatalities. From the lowest ranks India has reached to fifth position and on a tough fight for the fourth.

Migrants seem to have lost human status. Gandhiji once said “ a country can be judged good only if it takes care of its animals well” in today’s scenario the Supreme Court had to suo- moto take up the issue to give justice to the migrants, who are human beings, men and women,brothers and sisters and the back bone of our modern nation.

It had taught many philosophies to human being. Nothing is certain. No money can help, whether rich or poor, if you lack immunity. Selfishness is today’s remedy. Take care of your self, your family. Save for future. Be alone. Strong doubts on God, Money, Nature,Health, Hospitals, Peace,no Peace.,Etc.

As a voter of the nation and as a law abiding citizen of the country, we will strictly follow the instructions of the governments positively to negative the corona attack with anxious expectation.


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